Dynamic platelet function: A novel biomarker in inflammatory arthritis?
Nic An Riogh, Eithne; Dunne, Eimear; Cowley, Sharon; Leamy, Kelly; McCarthy, Geraldine; Kenny, Dermot; Stack, John
Background: Patients with inflammatory arthritis die prematurely of cardiovascular disease. Inflammation activates platelets. Since treatment of inflammatory arthritis is associated with reduced mortality, and decreased platelet reactivity reduces cardiovascular events, we hypothesised that platelet reactivity as measured by dynamic platelet function (DPF) would be increased in patients with inflammatory arthritis and that reactivity could be reduced with therapeutic intervention.
Objectives: To characterise platelet function using a validated physiological assay in patients with inflammatory arthritis before and after disease improvement.
Methods: 22 patients were recruited and treated as per local protocol. DPF was measured at baseline and after clinical improvement. Video microscopy was utilised to measure dynamic platelet behaviour in microliters of blood perfused over von Willebrand factor (VWF) at arterial shear rates (1500 s-1). Motion-analysis software measured the number of platelets interacting with VWF, translocating across VWF, the speed and distance platelets travelled across VWF, and stably adhering to the surface. Platelet parameters at baseline and following improvement were compared using Wilcoxon signed rank test and paired student t-test. Changes in platelet function were correlated to inflammatory disease markers by Pearson Correlation.
Results: 18 patients completed the study. Platelet adhesion decreased and platelet motion increased following treatment. Tender joint count correlated with platelet adhesion (Pearson r = 0.616, p≤0.01) while CRP correlated with velocity of platelet movement (Pearson r = 0.563, p≤0.01).
Conclusions: Improvement in clinical markers of inflammation is associated with a corresponding change in platelet function. Given the association between reduced mortality and decreased platelet reactivity our results suggest that an appropriate assay of platelet function could guide future therapy of patients with inflammatory arthritis.